Release new device in this May
“Within just one week, we had identified the problem, tested a solution and validated the results. And I did it all by simply messaging with my care team within the Steady app.”
Parteek, November 2019

Trusted by 3,450+ happy customers from the whole world
It’s time to rally against the diabetes test epidemic. The Lifer is leading the charge through research, education, and advocacy.
Join us to uplift your loved ones living with diabetes and help all those in need across America.
But there's hope. Join us as we continue the fight against diabetes and work to find a cure.

Real results
and situations
CGMs vs Fingersticks
Undetected highs
Undetected highs
CGMs never let variations in glucose levels go undetected
Understand the dawn phenomenon
12 AM
70 mg/dL
2 AM
84 mg/dL
4 AM
166 mg/dL
8 AM
220 mg/dL
Better understand the dawn phenomenon and how to tackle it
Data is the core

Use powerful insights of a CGM combined with real-time coaching to achieve meaningful goals.
It’s time to rally against the diabetes epidemic
Blood Glucose
1 min ago
6 Hours Forecase
Predicted Range
% falling
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